I'll just post this poem i did last year... hope you guyzzz like it....
........broken hearted.....
It’s better To have loved and lost than to have than to never have loved at all. These words have so much meaning, which feelings touch the soul. But I’ll tell you something about it, I don’t believe a word. At first it seemed she was the one, the shining star, the glorious sun. Now rain is pouring, cold and long. How could my heart have lead me wrong? This is the path we fools must take. Where tears will shed, where hearts will break. Where some are left with wounded hearts scorn with everlasting scars. I thought this love would surely last, but alas this senseless dream has past. With bleeding heart with pain enraged, I bear these wounds upon this page.
AND TASTE IT"........
I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut My weakness is that I care too much My scars remind me that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel
Drunk and I'm feeling down And I just wanna be alone I'm pissed cause you came around Why don't you just go home Cause you channel all your pain And I can't help you fix yourself You're making me insane All I can say is
[Chorus:] I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut My weakness is that I care too much And our scars remind us that the past is real I tear my heart open just to feel
I tried to help you once Against my own advice I saw you going down But you never realized That you're drowning in the water So I offered you my hand Compassions in my nature Tonight is our last stand
I'm drunk and I'm feeling down And I just wanna be alone You shouldn't ever came around Why don't you just go home? Cause you're drowning in the water And I tried to grab your hand And I left my heart open But you didn't understand But you didn't understand Go fix yourself
I can't help you fix yourself But at least I can say I tried I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life I can't help you fix yourself But at least I can say I tried I'm sorry but I gotta move on with my own life
[Chorus x2]
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww:
In the 1980s several ancient Egyptian monuments, including the Great Pyramid, were radiocarbon dated [11]. Radiocarbon dating cannot be applied to stone, but it can be used to date fragments of organic material, such as wood and charcoal, which are sometimes found embedded in the mortar between the stone blocks. The radiocarbon dates for the Great Pyramid ranged from 2853 to 3809 BC, the average being 3029 BC, which, if reliable, and if assumed to be the date of its construction, would make the Pyramid some 400 years older than is currently believed.
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww:
Bauval argues that the Great Pyramid was used during the 4th dynasty for religious ceremonies connected with the stellar rebirth cult for kings: the four shafts served a fertility or phallic role, and assisted the soul of the departed king to ascend to the celestial kingdom of Osiris-Orion. Bauval finds support for this in the Pyramid Texts, inscribed in several pyramids of the 5th and 6th dynasties. According to the theosophic tradition, on the other hand, the Great Pyramid was originally used as a temple of initiation.* H.P. Blavatsky says that it 'was built ages before [Khufu] and he only desecrated it by giving it another use. In his day no more initiations took place in it and he consecrated it to Tet, or Seth-Typhon [the opposite pole to Thoth].'[16] She links the Pyramid with the Egyptian Temple of Dendera, some 270 miles south of Giza, and states that since the two Dendera zodiacs show -- among other things -- the passage of three precessional cycles, or about 78,000 years, the possibility that the Pyramid is of a similar age is worth serious consideration (SD 2:432). Whether any significant astronomical alignments existed at this time is considered in Part 2.**
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww:
SEOUL, South Korea - North Korea said Monday it had performed its first-ever nuclear weapons test, setting off an underground blast in defiance of international warnings and intense diplomatic activity aimed at heading off such a move.
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww:
"The DPRK has ignored the widespread opposition of the international community and conducted a nuclear test brazenly on October 9," China's Foreign Ministry said in a statement on its Web site (www.fmprc.gov.cn).
The DPRK is the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, North Korea's official name.
"The Chinese government is firmly opposed to this," the Foreign Ministry said.
The statement used language that was unusually forceful for China, a neighbor and traditional Communist ally of North Korea that has advocated engagement and dialogue over stronger moves such as sanctions.
"The Chinese side strongly demands the North Korean side to abide by its pledges on denuclearisation and to stop any action that would worsen the situation," it said.
"Preserving peace and stability in northeast Asia accords with the joint interests of all sides. The Chinese government calls on all sides to respond calmly, and upholds a peaceful resolution through negotiation and dialogue."
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww:
Composed on the road between Nether Stowey and Alfoxden, extempore. I distinctly recollect the very moment when I was struck, as described,--"He looks up--the clouds are split," etc.
------THE sky is overcast With a continuous cloud of texture close, Heavy and wan, all whitened by the Moon, Which through that veil is indistinctly seen, A dull, contracted circle, yielding light So feebly spread, that not a shadow falls, Chequering the ground--from rock, plant, tree, or tower. At length a pleasant instantaneous gleam Startles the pensive traveller while he treads His lonesome path, with unobserving eye Bent earthwards; he looks up--the clouds are split Asunder,--and above his head he sees The clear Moon, and the glory of the heavens. There, in a black-blue vault she sails along, Followed by multitudes of stars, that, small And sharp, and bright, along the dark abyss Drive as she drives: how fast they wheel away, Yet vanish not!--the wind is in the tree, But they are silent;--still they roll along Immeasurably distant; and the vault, Built round by those white clouds, enormous clouds, Still deepens its unfathomable depth. At length the Vision closes; and the mind, Not undisturbed by the delight it feels, Which slowly settles into peaceful calm, Is left to muse upon the solemn scene.
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww:
VATICAN CITY - Visitors to the Vatican soon will be able to descend into an ancient world of the dead, a newly unveiled necropolis that was a burial place for the rich and not-so-affluent during Roman imperial rule.
The necropolis, which was unearthed three years ago during construction of a parking lot, will open to the public this week. One archaeologist said on Monday that sculptures, engravings and other objects found entombed with the dead made the find a "little Pompeii" of cemeteries.
The burial sites, ranging from simple terra-cotta funerary urns with ashes still inside to ornately sculptured sarcophagi, date from between the era of Augustus (23 B.C. to 14 A.D.) to that of Constantine in the first part of the 4th century.
From specially constructed walkways, visitors can look down on some skeletons, including that of an infant buried by loved ones who left a hen's egg beside the body. The egg, whose smashed shell was reconstructed by archaeologists, might have symbolized hopes for a rebirth, officials at a Vatican Museums news conference said Monday.
The remains of the child, whose gender was not determined, were discovered during the construction of the walkways, after the main excavation had finished, said Daniele Battistoni, a Vatican archaeologist.
Buried there were upper-class Romans as well as simple artisans, with symbols of their trade, offering what archaeologists called rare insights into middle- and lower-middle-class life.
"We found a little Pompeii of funeral" life, said Giandomenico Spinola, a head of the Museums' classical antiquities department.
"We have had the mausoleums of Hadrian and Augustus," Spinola said, referring to majestic monuments along the Tiber in Rome, "but we were short on these middle- and lower-class" burial places.
The burial sites help "document the middle class, which usually escapes us," said Paolo Liverani, an archaeologist and former Museums official who worked as a consultant on the site. "You don't construct history with only generals and kings."
Among those buried in the necropolis was a set designer for Pompey's Theater, notorious for being near the spot where Julius Caesar was stabbed to death. Decorating the designer's tomb were some symbols of his trade — a compass and a T-square.
An archivist for Emperor Nero's private property and mailmen also were buried in the necropolis.
Unearthed were black-and-white mosaic flooring and other decorations, including figures of a satyr and Dionysus, an ancient god of fertility and wine, along with a scene of a grape harvest.
A male member of ancient Rome's class of knights, who died as a teenager, was remembered in death with a sculptured figure with hands outstretched as if in prayer. The kind of figure, known as an "orante," was widely taken as an early symbol of Christians.
However, Liverani noted that the necropolis spans an era "when it was difficult to document Christianity" as the religion of the deceased because Christians were still persecuted in the empire. Thus mourners were unlikely to leave clear Christian symbols for fear of persecution.
Battistoni pointed out a layer of churned up stone running horizontally through the upper part of the necropolis, a sign of a 2nd century landslide that covered part of the hilly burial ground.
The necropolis ran along the edges of an ancient Roman road, Via Triumphalis, and is distinct from another necropolis that followed the lines of another ancient road, Via Cornelia, whose ruins can be seen under St. Peter's Basilica.
The Via Cornelia necropolis is considered to hold the tomb of St. Peter, the first pope.
Another part of the Via Triumphalis necropolis was dug up in the 1950s during work to build another Vatican garage. Asked whether the construction of the parking facility meant not all of the necropolis was uncovered, Spinola shrugged.
"This didn't start out as an excavation to study the area but as an emergency excavation to save what one could save," from the bulldozers, Spinola said.
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww:
BAGHDAD, Iraq - Saddam Hussein and a co-defendant were thrown out of court Tuesday after the former leader began to shout during his trial on charges of genocide against Iraq's Kurdish population.
Saddam interrupted the proceedings by shouting a verse from the Quran.
"Fight them and God will punish them!" he yelled.
The chief judge, Mohammed Oreibi al-Khalifa, cut off the microphone and instructed bailiffs to escort the ex-president out of the courtroom.
Co-defendant Hussein Rashid Mohammed them stood up and shouted insults at the prosecutors. When a bailiff forced the defendant back into his chair, the former army commander threw a punch.
The judge had Mohammed thrown out and closed the session to the media.
Before the closure, the judge told Saddam's six co-defendants that he had been patient with them, but they were obstructing the trial.
"I allowed you to say what you want, but you've been making problems," he said solemnly.
Court-appointed lawyers represented Saddam and his co-defendants.
The lawyers chosen by Saddam and his co-defendants are boycotting the trial to protest the dismissal of the first chief judge, and the court's refusal to allow the defense time to examine thousands of documents.
The court on Monday heard testimony about burying prisoners alive and sexually abusing female detainees.
Saddam and his six co-defendants have been on trial since Aug. 21 for their roles in a bloody 1987-88 crackdown against Kurdish rebels. Saddam and his cousin "Chemical" Ali al-Majid are charged with genocide, and the others are accused of various war crimes offenses. All could face death by hanging if convicted.
The defendants are represented by court-appointed lawyers because their own attorneys have boycotted proceedings since Sept. 24. They are protesting the dismissal of the first chief judge, who was seen as soft on Saddam, and the court's refusal to allow the defense time to examine thousands of documents.
In Tuesday's hearing, the court heard a Kurdish woman, who testified from behind a curtain to conceal her identity, recount that women were raped and children died in detention during the 1988 campaign.
Upon her request, the chief judge cut off the microphones after she was asked if she knew of any cases of pregnancy and abortion in her detention camp.
Reporters in court said they heard a brief part of her testimony in which she said she saw wardens in the detention camp take women away at night, apparently to rape them. No other details were immediately available.
The woman, who spent 6 1/2 months in detention, also claimed that Saddam's forces used chemicals against the detainees.
"One evening, men walked into our detention hall, wearing (chemical) suits and masks and sprayed us with a material that caused the spread of lice and other diseases, like bronchial coughing," she said in Kurdish through an Arabic interpreter.
"Many children died as a result," said the woman.
The witness also testified that pregnant women were treated inhumanely. She said one woman had given birth in a toilet. Fellow detainees helped her "cut the umbilical cord with broken glass and the baby was wrapped in a grain sack."
She said all her family members disappeared in 1988 and are presumed dead.
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww:
Au de Costa: You walk along, bend back, touch the ground with one hand, do an Au to the back, step down, take a further step, and start over. Your second hand travels rather behind your head than in front of your face. What makes this fun to watch is the fact that you don't change your position with this move. Doing the backwards Au from standing/walking is rather difficult; learn the plain Macaco first.
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww: