Page Format: 8" x 11" bond paper, 1" margin all sides, 1.5 spacing, Font Arial Size 11
Write a fictional story about how you were born. (limit your story to one page only)
Tip 1: Even if you do not know what really happened when you were born, try to imagine what your parents, brothers and sisters, and everyone else might have been doing or thinking before or on the day you were born.
Tip 2: If you read Marvel or DC or Image Comics, there are often comics series that talk about how a superhero came into being. The assignment is something similar to that.
Tip 3: To help you frame your story, you might want to use this line as an ending: "And that is how I came into being."
dream what you want to dream. go wherever you want to go. be what you want to be, because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things that you want to do.