The Greek historian Herodotus, who visited Egypt in the 5th century BC, was told by the priests that the Pyramid had been built by Khufu, but that he had not been buried in it. Another Greek writer, Diodorus Siculus, later gave a similar account. Various Arab legends, on the other hand, state that the Pyramid was built by Hermes before the Flood to preserve knowledge of the secret sciences. What do the actual historical records from the time of Khufu have to say? Remarkably, no such records exist. As one Egyptologist remarks: 'It is astonishing that we know so little about King Khufu, the man who ordered the erection of the Great Pyramid . . .'[8] The only surviving image of Khufu is an ivory seated figure, just four inches high, found in the temple of Abydos, some 260 miles south of Giza. One of the few written references to Khufu is contained in the 'inventory stele', discovered at Giza in the 1850s. It commemorates the restoration by Khufu of a small temple near the Pyramid, and indicates that the Sphinx, the Sphinx Temple, and possibly the Great Pyramid itself, were already in existence in Khufu's day. The stele is written in a later style of writing and some Egyptologists initially regarded it as a copy of a 4th dynasty original. Nowadays, however, it is dismissed as a piece of fiction as it contradicts current dogmas.
The presence of the Khufu and Khnum-Khufu cartouches inside the Great Pyramid and on some of the core masonry stones on the exterior does not prove that it was the 4th-dynasty pharaoh Khufu who built it; he may have been named after the Pyramid, rather than the other way around. Khufu's cartouche has been found on dozens of tombs and monuments in Egypt, some of them far later than the 4th dynasty. William Fix comments:
Egyptologists explain that Khufu's name had become 'a powerful charm', and was put on monuments as a sign of sanctity and protection. In other words, it was used in later times as the sign of the cross has been used in Christian countries for nearly two thousand years. Of course, we do not assume that every representation of a person bearing the symbol of a cross is Jesus Christ, nor that every building with a cross was personally ordered to be built by Jesus. Neither do we assume that every person named Jesus is the original Jesus Christ
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww:
The Cold Peace The 1979 Egyptian-Israeli treaty endures, 25 years after Sadat. But can it last much longer?
Oct. 16, 2006 issue - The anniversary went almost unnoticed. There were no major commemorative events. Only a few perfunctory articles appeared in the Egyptian, Israeli and American press. A quarter century after the assassination of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat on Oct. 6, 1981, the shooting spree that took his life during a military parade has come to seem just another blood-soaked footnote in the long chronicle of Middle East violence and despair.
Wazzup mOn! aeiree, aeiree... I'm Da... Jamaican Scourging Hot Prince of Spinning Kicks / Ruler of Da Caribbean. :aww: