LOVE Love is like the seeds of life, To root is full of pain and strife. But to grow it’s like a great Oak tree, Straight and strong for eternity. Love is what I offer you, Steadfast, calm and oh, so true! Love is life between two who shares, A life between two who really cares. Love is ours, if you agree, To spend your life with me!
hAvE aN upclOse anD PerSonL tAlK wIA TH A h0pLesS romAntic....
.....well more or less...i can only offer a "fictional" story.....
Once upon a time...there was a hopelessRomantic named RICO(random choice)...
now this fool didn't know the first thing about LOVE....
He always thought that it would be impossible to love anyone and at the same time...get a "mutual" feeling as well...
He didn't see the purpose of love. What for anyway?
The truth was...he justdidn't have the courage to express his love to didn't try.
then one day...
for the first time...
he falls in love..
He swallowed every pride and mustered every courage he had...just to express to this person how much he felt. he thought that just because he could say how he feels...the girl would've done the same thing...
he was dead wrong....
He got expected.
he felt the pain for an entire year...before realizing what "falling in love with a person" really meant...
it's to fall and get hurt......
and yet manage to stand to love again.....
AND TASTE IT"........